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Join the Movement to Close the Gap

Closing the Gap - The Income Equality Project

Closing the Gap is an organisation advocating for policy change to address income and wealth inequality in Aotearoa New Zealand.


We believe entrenched inequality hurts all New Zealanders. It reduces economic growth, exacerbates a wide range of social problems, and contributes to poor educational, health and wellbeing outcomes for our children.


Our mission is to promote policy and societal-wide changes that create a more equitable society for all. A more equal society is better for all New Zealanders.

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Ways to get involved...

Got some spare change and care about what we do? Your donation could help us with website subscriptions and other boring but essential costs

Networker extraordinaire? Help us organise to bring people together, f2f, to talk about social justice in Aotearoa 

A technology guru with a yen for social justice? Volunteer to help us keep our website and social media looking smooooth....

Have a way with words? Believe the pen is mighter than the sword? Get in touch about helping with content creation

Not sure what you can do, but keen to join the conversation? Get in touch

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